Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chuncky Butt and The End Is In Sight!

Hi all! So, it is official. I am a chunky butt. That's right, I am! They say admitting it is the first step :) I joined weight watchers a week ago to cure my self of the second freshman 40 I have gained in my life. I didn't realize that was true if you were going back to school at my age. Mr Biggs is loving this whole dieting thing because it means that I am cooking a lot more. He doesn't really care for the fact that what I am cooking has a lot less butter and added baddness, but he loves food none the less.

Also, I am am in the homestretch of becoming a senior. This is a big deal because i have been in school on and off for almost a decade (college that is). So, yeah, I will graduate next year with a degree in Family and Consumer Science Education. Basically that means I will get to teach all of the Home Ec types classes. I am super excited!

Check out the stor to see my new wrap skirts!

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